To follow some religious, healthy,
environmental, geographical and other reasons, the greater amounts of people
choose to be vegetarian. Some people may ask: what are the exact benefits of
being a vegetarian? Does this lifestyle suit me? Will it destroy my nutrients
balance in some extends? Today, we invited the most famous nutritionist Dr.
TrenEnts to help us with these questions.
Interviewer: Hi! Dr. TreEnts, would you
like to introduce us about the vegetarian types?
Dr. TreEnts: Sure. There are five types
vegetarian: vegan, lacto vegetarian, ovo vegetarian, ovo-lacto vegetarian,
semi-vegetarian. The first one, vegan, is the pure vegetarian who doesn’t eat
any meat or animal products. Lacto vegetarian can eat daily products and plant
foods. Ovo vegetarian can eat egg but not daily products like lacto vegetarian.
Ovo-lacto vegetarian, obviously, they can eat eggs and milk. Semi-vegetarian
diet includes occasional inclusion of meat products and plant
Interviewer: So… what are the benefits to
be a vegetarian?
Dr. TreEnts: Actually, fatty red meats and
many processed meats are high in saturated fat, which raises LDL (bad)
cholesterol and increases risk of coronary heart disease. So…to be a
vegetarian, the special diet helps reduce the risk of cardiac disease. Also,
vegetable supply our body more vitamin to support our health. For the species,
it’s also a way to protect to our environment.
Interviewer: Since this diet is so healthy,
should we advocate more people to join in vegetarian diet?
Dr. TreEnts: Mm…from my point of view, it
depends. Some people do need large amount of nutrients from variety of foods
like pregnancy, babies, who are not better with vegetarian diet.
Interviewer: We may know many vegetarian
probably lack of some important nutrients, such as protein, calcium, iron, zinc,
etc. What are main functions of these nutrients and which food can provides
these nutrients?
Dr. TreEnts: Yes, you’re right. The protein
is a source of energy which can help build, repair, and maintain body issues.
Vegetarian can absorb the protein from the soy products and daily products like
Tofu and milk. Calcium helps our body to strengthen our bone and it mainly
contained in milk. Iron and zinc are metal elements which can produce red cell
and beneficial to our heart.People can gain them from sea-tangle.
Interviewer: Thank for Dr. TreEnts' sharing! Thank you very much!
P.S:Here are some very good recipes for vegetarian:
Interviewer: Thank for Dr. TreEnts' sharing! Thank you very much!
P.S:Here are some very good recipes for vegetarian:
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